How Cygnature e-Signature helps the BFSI Industry?
Streamline and fast-track internal approvals and validations
With multiple stakeholders involved in the approval process, the BFSI industry deals with tons of paperwork which makes the signing process exhausting. Cygnature allows the concerned authorities to e-Sign documents like sanction letters, capex approval, opex approval with ease.
Digitized employee onboarding and other formalities
Eliminates the need for in-branch verification of your employees by authenticating their identity and completing formalities like employee onboarding, relieving letter, evaluation forms, engagement letters, and salary annexure remotely.
Bring mobility and speed in the signing of insurance policies
Get insurance policies signed by clients anytime, anytime. Agents and brokers can send the documents and forms to clients online and get them to fill the forms and sign the document all from one Cygnature platform.
Save time and increase productivity with bulk signing
The BFSI industry is highly dependent on signatures from adequate authority for multiple business processes like insurance applications, claims processing, financial instruments, account statements. With Cygantures’ bulk signing feature, the concerned authority can digitally sign thousands of documents on an automated mode while staying compliant.