What is most important aspect when choosing a e-Sign solution

  • July 12, 2019
  • Reading Time: 2 minutes
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The businesses these days want to automate all of their business process for efficient and effective smoothing. Parallel to it organizations also need to become technologically advanced. When it comes to automating the signing process some organizations tend to stick to the old traditional method of signing that is wet ink signatures and paper.

The paper signing tends to slow down the signing process as it totally depends on signatory presence and other processes like printing, scanning, emailing will increase the timeline. 

Organizations still are which is the most important aspect when you choose a esign solution. Cygnature gives you 5 top aspects which you need to consider before choosing a esign solution.

  1. Security: When an organization decides to move from paper to digital, certain aspects need to be considered as documents carry confidential information and needs to stored securely. Hence security become one important aspect when you chose to sign documents online. With Cygnature you get Blockchain security to the documents. Cygnature assures you with 100% security on the documents that they won’t be tampered with by any chance.
  2. Quick and Easy:  One of the important aspect of signing documents online is that the process should be quick and users should be able to sign remotely anytime without any limitations on device. The signing process should happen in minimum steps and should not be time consuming. With Cygnature you can sign any document in 60 seconds with any device & in 5 easy steps.
  3. Ease of use: The User Interface of a signing solution should be easy for anyone to use and sign documents quickly. Even if a user is very new to Cygnature he/she should be able to use it on any device. A guided tour of application for any new user will also help in this. There should be tool tips for every command or action which will help user sign documents smoothly and securely.
  4. Cost:every esign solution should be cost effective. It should not only reduce the efforts in paper signing but also be able to cut the cost that occurs in printing, scanning and storing documents. One most important aspect that the solution should offer is a Free Trial and hence every user who wants go for esign should be able to see the application thoroughly before actual paying for it.
  5. Features: When choosing a esign solution organization should look for a feature rich solution that gives access to multiple types of signatures and access to features that deliver secure signing experience. Should give experience of simplified signing with variations in signing types and methods.

The Most important aspect:

When selecting an e-signature solution all aspects carry the same importance whether its features, ease of use or cost. But foremost feature that needs to be considered is Security. Documents carry lot of confidential information of the organizations and hence need to be stored well. It becomes very important for the signing solutions to take care of the documents so that no one tampers with them. Security stands as the most important aspect that a esign solution should have. Cygnature gives Blockchain security to the documents. It provides a complete audit log of the document signing process and stores the document securely on servers.


For Organizations going paperless is always a good idea. Signing documents online will help the organizations go technologically advanced and also take care of the environment. It also helps in cost cutting for the organizations. But considering the security organizations should choose esign solutions that offer highest security to the documents.

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