How LIVE signatures can transform electronic signatures?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Electronic signatures have been playing a vital role in improving the operations of many enterprises these days. They are contributing a lot to speed up the work process by allowing the customers to sign the documents such as contracts, agreements, etc. from their device itself avoiding the hassle of printing and scanning the document and… Continue reading How LIVE signatures can transform electronic signatures?

Difference between Electronic, Digital, and Biometric signatures

Reading Time: 3 minutes Traditional signatures still exist in some businesses as people have still not been able to accept this change. The digital transformation started long back, but some are still struggling to bring in this change. One such example of digital transformation is the emergence of e-signatures. Earlier there were two ways to validate any documents, one… Continue reading Difference between Electronic, Digital, and Biometric signatures

Steps to save environment & move towards a paperless office

Reading Time: 4 minutes Think of it in this way: What are you going to when you need to fetch data or a document that is years old and you have very little time for it? At such times your efficiency and capabilities are questioned. These times can be difficult because retrieving data from a file which is years… Continue reading Steps to save environment & move towards a paperless office

What is most important aspect when choosing a e-Sign solution

Reading Time: 2 minutes The businesses these days want to automate all of their business process for efficient and effective smoothing. Parallel to it organizations also need to become technologically advanced. When it comes to automating the signing process some organizations tend to stick to the old traditional method of signing that is wet ink signatures and paper. The… Continue reading What is most important aspect when choosing a e-Sign solution

An overview of electronic signatures law in India

Closeup portrait of unrecognizable successful businessman wearing black formal suit reviewing documents and signing contract during meeting

Reading Time: 2 minutes Electronic signatures are legally valid across many countries of the world. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) 1999 and The E-sign Act 2000, USA The European Union’s Electronic Signatures Directive, Directive 1999/93/EC The Information Technology Act 2008, India The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 2002, South Africa UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures 2001 eSignature… Continue reading An overview of electronic signatures law in India

What industries should use electronic signatures

Reading Time: 3 minutes What Industries should use Electronic Signatures Organizations these days in every sector look to get technologically advanced and in parallel also need to take care of the environmental systems. Cutting off the paper and opting for an Electronic signing is one-way companies can prove that they are technologically advanced and also are concerned about the… Continue reading What industries should use electronic signatures

10 mistakes to avoid when selecting an e-Signature solution

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Adoption of e-signatures is running fast all over the world. People have different solutions to evaluate and systems to choose from. So evaluation. Comparing and selecting a esign solution can be difficult. So we give you some common mistakes to avoid when you chose your esign solution so that you choose the right one.… Continue reading 10 mistakes to avoid when selecting an e-Signature solution

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