Integration with CRM

Salesforce contacts
Directly import contacts from your Salesforce CRM to Cygnature and securely send agreements and contracts to your Salesforce contacts for signing.

Zoho contacts
Directly import contacts from your Zoho CRM to Cygnature and securely send agreements and contracts to your Zoho contacts for signing - right from Cygnature.

O365 contacts
Directly import contacts from your Office365 CRM to Cygnature and securely send agreements and contracts to your Office365 contacts for signing right from Cygnature.
Integration with Biometric devices

Mantra MFS 1OO Fingerprint Reader
Capture fingerprint details of the signer using a Mantra MFS 1OO Fingerprint Reader device reader integrated with Cygnature.

Morpho Smart MPH-SE002
Capture fingerprint details of the signer using a Morpho Smart MPH-SE002 device reader integrated with Cygnature.

Iris Shield USB BK 212U
Capture iris details of the signer using Iris Shield USB BK 212U device and authenticate the identity of the signee.