How Cygnature e-Signature helps the manufacturing industry?
Adhere with the indirect tax requirement of digital signatures
All forms and invoices must be digitally signed in accordance with indirect tax regulations. Ensure security and traceability by automated bulk signing of an unlimited number of documents, such as GST invoices, debit and credit notes.
Speed up your internal approval using digital or electronic signatures
Streamline the approval process, by digitally signing and approving documents such as project approvals, budget approvals, test results, SOWs, etc. Also, track the status of all digitally signed papers using the document summary page and the search capability.
Sign contracts online faster than ever
Get online contracts signed quickly and easily by sending the balance confirmation documents to vendors and getting a quick acknowledgment from them.
Quick agreements processing
Allow users to select a digital signature for vendor agreements, purchase orders, balance confirmation documents, work orders, etc.