Electronic signatures
Draw, type in or upload image of wet signature to sign the document
Draw signature
Draw signature by yourself with the help of cursor or a digital pen on the agreement, as simple as that.
Upload signature
Upload an image of the signature from any Local, Google or One Drive and paste it on the placeholder.
Digital signatures
Digitally sign legal and crucial documents for higher security and legal validity
Software token
Use software tokens procured from trusted digital signature certificate providers to sign your documents.
Hardware token
Sign using hardware based digital signature dongles provided by certificate authorities.
Certified digital signature
Sign using trusted certificate issued by Global Sign, a web trust approved Certificate Authority.
Live signatures
Allows the signers to sign documents live by connecting on web-conference facilitated by the inbuilt capability of Cygnature. Experience in-person signing, though remotely located.
Signers can download the recording of the entire signing process.
Biometric signatures
Use your fingerprints, IRIS (through predefined supported devices) face (through webcam) to sign. The biometric signatures give a high level of authentication by capturing biometrics that is unique to each signer.
Face recognition
Capture the live photograph of the signer through AI. Detect and track the facial features.
Ensures there is clarity in facial features for proper recognition.
With Cygnature, users can sign or authenticate the signature on documents using IRIS as identity.
With Cygnature, users can sign or authenticate the signature on documents using fingerprint as identity.