Why e-Signatures are vital for legal firms during the lockdown?

  • April 6, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 minutes
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For legal firms, the client relationship is a question of reputation and holding the client for longer. But this does not mean that you need to run after them for signatures. During this lockdown, there are some legal firms worried about their agreements and closures. The legal firms are not different from any other business. Despite this lockdown, there are some legal firms whose work hasn’t stopped at all. They have benefitted enormously after adopting e-signatures—there is an increase in closing contracts and the risk related to missing signatures, important information or maintaining paperwork has decreased to a great extent.

E-signatures in Legal Firms

The ease, handiness, and normativity of e-signatures will make them a need to sustain client relations. By utilizing electronic signatures, firms can develop their customer base while productively keeping up the work required by previous client matters. While customarily the legal industry or business has been monetized by the billable hour, adapting the e-signatures saves time allowing the firms to allocate their resources towards a more productive work like adding new clients or interacting with the existing clients and maintaining the relationships.

Shift in Legal Industry with E-signatures

The e-signatures have transformed the way legal firms work. Contracts that require legal binding can be closed faster reducing the wait time. Dull paper processes take a lot of time to be completed, despite the time give it prone to errors and are not very effective too. Using e-signatures for signing an agreement, NDAs, etc. with clients and partners speeds the process overall, giving speedy closures.

The beauty of e-signatures is that they can be created on any device in a matter of minutes. This changes your professional image as a legal advisor making your more professional and efficient as it saves both your time and your client’s time. eSignatures have made legal work simpler and more effective.

Benefits of E-signatures to Legal Firms

E-signatures benefit law firms in getting important and time-sensitive documents like contracts and retainer agreements signed online very efficiently. Restructuring the monotonous paperwork, administrative hours can be reduced, and expenses done for printing and shipping the signed documents can be eliminated completely.  Furthermore, e-signatures generate a secured electronic record that contains the signer’s details and the document version, significantly decreasing liability for the legal firms.

Other Benefits

There are some more benefits of e-signatures for the Legal firms

Improves Client Experience

Clients don’t like being chased for things like signatures, though it may be very important to the firm. With the digital signing, you can improve the client experience by giving them space, and one of the easiest & safest way to sign documents.

Increases Accuracy

Clients are always told where to sign when you get signatures in person, with e-signatures its similar, the pages are marked and only by clicking on the sign is placed on all pages, without missing on anything important, increasing the accuracy.

Increases Privacy

Clients associated with the legal firms want privacy in their documents. With e-signatures, this is for sure that no one other than the signer will be able to see the documents, hence chances of documents being forged or tampered with is almost nil.


e-Signature is one way of saving paper, time and money altogether. Having your client’s e-sign documents clearly indicates that you are using modern technology to give more output and yet spending less by removing the need to print documents and photocopy them to keep a copy for future reference. Legal is all about paperwork and storing them, with e-signatures clients can save the documents in the cloud and refer to them whenever required.

Why E-sign Legal Documents with Cygnature?

Now onwards, the legal work will not be as dull and annoying like before. Sign your contracts, agreements, board meeting resolutions, and other documents with Cygnature. Cygnature assists law firms in e-signing bulk legal documents proficiently & easily. It is a Blockchain-enabled signing solution that is secured and safeguards the documents so that it cannot be forged or tampered.

Earlier the Legal documents that took days sometime weeks to obtain an important signature can be done with ease through Cygnature.

Cygnature allows legal firms to save all their documents in their account. Here the documents are safe from any kind of loss or damage. Let not the COVID-19 Lockdown affect your business dealings, use e-signatures to sign all documents and keep the work going. To know more about our solution please write to us at hello@cygnature.io and our experts will get in touch with you.

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