• Capture user’s electronic signature
  • Draw e-Signature
  • Select predefined signatures
  • Upload signature image (Supported formats: jpeg, png)

Sign documents with hardware key using the digital signing certificate issued by certification authorities.

User can sign/authenticate with biometrics using:

  • Thumbprint
  • IRIS
  • Face

Sign documents with globally accepted certified signatures with a digital certificate.

Sign documents with your Aadhaar number in India, UAE Pass and Oman PKI.

With Cygnature sign documents over webcam, as if signing in-person with screen sharing, audio, video & recording enabled.

Sign documents as a guest without the need to login. Experience seamless and hassle-free signing.

Sign with Cygnature aesthetics and have a proof of signed document on Cygnature.

The original signatory of the document can delegate the document for signing run-time to other signer.

Optional signing is a signing method where signatories do not necessarily sign the document, one of signer can sign the document.

With the co-signing option 2 signers of document can sign the document by logging in from just signer 1 account using OTP authentication.

One user of Cygnature can assign documents to other signer for signing in event of signer 1 absence.

Users can decline to sign a document by giving a reason.

Self-sign the document while placing placeholder for signatures.

This feature provides a feature to approve a document before it goes to the final authority for signing, which proves that person has reviewed and approved a document and the final authority can sign the document.

Allows signers to select multiple documents and sign at the same time.

Uses can upload file formats like .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, xlsx, .txt .ppt, .pptx.

Users get an easy to view detailed document track with document history & timestamp.

User can create re-usable document templates, map the document parameters run-time & send for signing. The template is exported as an XML file which can be imported by any other user.

Users can upload & send documents from Google Drive, Drop Box, browse from local drives too.

User can set the document signing order from sequential or parallel signing order depending on the requirement.

Users can set observers to certain documents. An observer will be a person who will observe all the signing process like a passive witness.

Users can set custom signatory fields like initials, company, location, date and more.

Users can send private messages to the signers if they want to convey some important information to signers.

User can create personal contacts or groups to whom they want to send documents for signing.

Users can set advanced document options like reminders, due date, document validity etc.

Save documents as drafts and continue sending in future.

Comments allows the users to exchange notes in context of a document directly within the signing experiences.

Form fields can be dragged on the document so if signer of document needs to fill certain information while signing, he/she can do it.

If the uploader of document needs information on signer about initials or company name or anything else he/she can drag the signing fields to the document.

Signers can send documents to number of signers at a same time for signing.

Generate e-Stamp online instantly in few easy steps and sign the merged document with Cygnature.

This feature allows document senders to change the signers till the time they sign the document.

OTP authentication through mobile number & email Id to login for account security & access.

While preparing the document for signing, user can mandate the location for signing document for the signers.

Know exactly where user has signed the document. Captures the GPS location of a document signature, whether it’s from a home computer or from a mobile device.

Captures user’s browser & version details.

Captures device name, OS and its version like Windows or Mac etc.

Logs the entire signing process with timestamp in the Blockchain transaction & document activity along with block details & hash.

Allows users to verify documents before signing and also after signing using document hash , transaction hash or document ID.

A certificate of completion will be received at the end of signing process that has all details of signers like IP, browser, device & location etc.

E-mail & mobile no. verification for true user credentials & identity before signing up for a account.

A complete transaction will be recorded that shows the document history and its version before and after signing.

E-mail & mobile no. verification for true user credentials & identity before signing up for account.

With Cygnature add QR code to the documents to verify the signed document whenever required.

Verify the legality of digital signatures and get a complete hierarchy of the signature validity of certified or hardware sign.

Verify the document from a URL that is publicly available. Check the document certificate of completion and check all details of document.

If the uploader of documents enables this option then the guest signer will be authenticated using a OTP which is sent on his/her email ID.

All the data and documents are encrypted with an advanced encryption mechanism.

Once the document is signed the document can be removed from Cygnature if user decides so to.

Expose API for integration with other solutions- Zoho, Salesforce, other software as per the requirement use case.

SharePoint online plugin enables organizations of any size to securely send, sign, and track important documents from any SharePoint online document library.

Microsoft Word enables users to get signatures and sign important documents securely from Microsoft Word anytime, anywhere in minutes.

Sign up/login via social media accounts.

Active directory integration to login through system credentials.

Multi-tenant support as per the purchased subscription plans.

Document management options with advanced filters, purging, folder & sub folder management.

This integration facilitates the citizens of Oman to sign using a digital signature as recognized by their law.

User can sign up using international mobile no. and will be allowed to select time zone display preferences.

User can have read only access to the documents of other verified Cygnature users.

Users will need to send document access request to the other designated users to get access to their documents.

Feature access based on user roles & privileges for corporate accounts that will limit their users to certain features as per their request.

Manage or upgrade your subscriptions for the paid plans. Pay for the packs you purchase.

A quick statistics based on documents’ status for quick actions on documents.

Add/edit contacts & contact groups to select as signers to send documents for signing.

Bulk import signers list, so that the same copy of document is sent to multiple signers.

Calendar that displays scheduled due signatures & live signatures details for quick response and action.

User can decide for how long a document can stay on Cygnature platform post signing the document.

User can send the completed documents to Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox after signing the document so as to save the copy of document.

Users can configure the global sign/certified sign of their organisation in the Cygnature application

Track the usage activity of your organizational users using this report. Get details of usage activity pattern of the users for documents, templates, and signature usage of different signature types and other user information.

Manages users of your organization. Activate / Deactivate their access, set document sending limits and other permissions.

Manage various departments of your organization.

View various activity logs of at user or document.

Automatically transfer completed documents to any of the folders or locations on your local network by configuring SFT.

Define custom fields to capture specific information from the user during the workflow.

Set IP restrictions so users can access the solution only from certain IP addresses.

Manage basic profile information, e-signature option, face recognition option, subscription details etc.

Manage API settings like API key / secret, view API usage and API call back usage

Enable / disable guest signer authentication, 2FA authentication, define threshold limits like on what percentage of consumption of documents & various signature types, the system will send alert notifications for top-up.

Manage various email notifications – enable / disable emails sent on various events like document signing invitation email, document signed email, signing completion email etc.

Auto assign signing to someone else for specific duration in signer’s absence.

Request to get access of other users’ documents or manage the request from other users for your documents.

Manage the appearance of the signatures like what details to be show in the signature appearance and what details to hide.

For every issue raised Cygnature will have a support ticket, so that all issues will have a TAT and ticket number.

A user can request for a demo before starting to use Cygnature and our team will arrange for the same.

Readily available tutorials to get a thorough knowledge on signing/sending documents on Cygnature.

Cygnature application provides you with a support email & phone number.

Free Trial. Full Access.

Our free trial gives you full access to all signing types and features.


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